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I hope you find the Women’s Wisdom: Pass It On! site both informative and useful. My goal in writing the book was to encourage a community of women in which we could share our challenges and wisdom with each other. Not all of us are blessed to be surrounded by wise and caring women when we need someone to call on. Or, as a friend pointed out to me, sometimes our pride gets in our way of asking for guidance. In addition to information about me and the book, then, you’ll see a link for “share wisdom” in the web site’s menu. I invite you and other readers to contribute what you know or have learned, or perhaps ask a question, describing a specific situation and requesting suggestions on how you might handle it. My hope is that this proves to be a lively, rich conversation and source of solid, life-based information for all of us. You can add to the conversation, or just read the questions and contributions. Collectively, we women have a lot of wisdom, and this is one way we can Pass It On!
About the Author