Computer skills and resolutions – how are they related? I have many resolutions I could make, but only one truly qualifies as the top priority: computer skills! I can’t imagine how many hours I waste every week searching for files on my computer or trying to create and file new pieces. Just this morning, I spent nearly three hours trying to send Women’s Wisdom pdf file for ebook entry in the American Library Association Conference in January. I finally did it, but it was the wrong book! My son came home from work, listened to my problem, and had it fixed in five minutes flat. I was impressed, grateful, and also mad at myself for knowing so little about how to use my computer programs. I could be so much more productive with better skills.
Given the above, my top resolution this year is to take whatever classes available that may help, or even hire a hands-on tutor to teach me. “I do know what I don’t know,” to paraphrase Donald Rumsfeld. It just takes a willingness on my part to admit my ignorance and take action to minimize it. I could probably enlist my son’s help as long as he’s living with us – I just need to ask.
What do you wish you could do better? Or what do you want to change, whether it’s a skill or relationship or situation? Perhaps you can join me in combatting our lethargy, frustration, ignorance, lack of skill – you name it – and resolve together to make resolutions that will improve our lives (and dispositions) in the coming year. Identify your #1 issue, list all of the options you have, then decide (commit, rather) to make that difference in your life. We can check in with each other in March to see how we’re progressing. We can do it!