Time with Grandchildren

My four-year-old granddaughter’s face is on our computer screen right now. It will rotate out shortly, showing other photos of her and her eleven-year-old sister. This is how we’ve watched Lauren and Caroline grow up – on a screen – so having them in our home is truly a blessing. They lived in Hawaii nearly six years, then (as if that wasn’t far enough!) spent three years in Japan. Our son is now retired from the navy and looking for a civilian job. The bonus for us? He was able to drive here from his mother-in-law’s home in Texas so we could all spend time together in person. SO much better than photos on a screen!

We’ve been able to bake cookies with Lauren, swim with both girls in our neighbors’ pool, go boating, eat out together, cook dinners at home, eat lunch on the porch…all such normal things that seem so special this week. And the girls are very appreciative of everything, too, which is a lovely surprise. I think they are basking in the extra love and attention they are receiving, just as we are reveling in the giving.

What does “wisdom” mean to me this week? Loving your children and grandchildren, relishing every precious moment spent with them.

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