Achieving the Goal

This morning, I completed the last of ten speaking projects required for Advanced Toastmaster Silver. I’m embarrassed to say just how long it has been since I finished #9…and how “blocked” I have felt over the final presentation and what to do for it. I’d drag out the manual now and then, look at the directions, draw a blank, then put the manual back on the shelf. I’ve mentally lugged this “burden” around for a long time; it has weighed on me as unfinished business, and made me feel less than competent. I was frustrated with myself, as you can tell.

So, with the deadline for completion being June 30 (and I missed it a year ago), I committed at last week’s meeting to do the project this week. Oh, my – then I HAD to figure it out! Which I did, faster than I would have thought possible. It turns out that waiting for motivation or inspiration sometimes doesn’t work; instead, commit publicly to doing whatever it is, then get busy…and inspiration will show up. It’s amazing how productive you will become!

This afternoon, I have the satisfaction of having achieved a long-term goal. Perhaps the “backwards” process might work for you, too.

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