Wise Women Keep Learning

Saturday, April 30, I was fortunate to be keynote speaker at a woman’s conference. The theme was “Wise Women Keep Learning,” which we all did. My first session was on “Women’s Wisdom,” and I engaged everyone in discussions at their tables. There were about 75 women, so there was a lot of input. Question #1 was: “What do you wish you had known about life when you were a young woman?” Several of their responses focused on money, and wishing they had learned more about finances. They also wished that they had saved more along the way for their future (which has arrived!), that they had done more retirement planning, and sought information about long-term care.

It takes several kinds of “health” to thrive as we get older: physical, emotional, and financial. As for leading a fulfilling, satisfying life, it’s hard if we’re constantly worried about simple survival – bills, food, medications, housing, etc. Certainly it’s easier to accumulate funds if you start early, but it’s never too late! Being worried is a sure sign you need to take action. There are several kinds of people who can help you. My husband and I have a Merrill Lynch adviser, for example, and a friend uses a certified financial adviser. Be sure to check on the person’s credentials, making sure he or she is required to look after YOUR best financial interests. Money doesn’t guarantee happiness, but it definitely helps!


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