Veterans Day, 2016. I know I promised you specific ways to overcome obstacles, but I feel moved instead to write about military life. Obstacles will return next week, I promise! I served 6 1/2 years active duty in the navy. It was a time when women weren’t allowed to deploy on ships, so I did not have that experience. I …
Three Kinds of Obstacles
There are three primary kinds of obstacles you’ll typically experience in trying to reach a goal. Being aware of them can help keep you from being blindsided when they pop up, or giving up unnecessarily. Expecting them also lets you plan and prepare ahead of time. Internal obstacles. These are probably the most important ones and, thankfully, they are most within your control. …
Overcoming Obstacles in Life
Life is full of obstacles! Call them challenges or whatever you want, but they stand between you and what you want to get or be or do. When I’m driving, for instance, my roadblock might be a flat tire, broken air conditioner, getting lost or stuck in a traffic jam, or – worst – being in an accident. With every trip, …
Don’t Just Take Up Space
“I want to stay relevant, not just take up space,” I replied to a man who commented on how involved I stay. In many ways, I feel emotionally younger (though wiser) and more competent than ever, and more willing to take risks, too. My book Women’s Wisdom: Pass It On! exposed a lot of my life and experiences in ways …
Family Crisis: How Can We Help?
Polycystic disease. It’s a genetic kidney disease inherited by males in the family. A month ago, my nephew, who has been on dialysis for months, had a kidney removed a month ago (and the one they left doesn’t function, either). Next week, he and his sister, my niece, will have surgery in which she donates one of her kidneys to him. This …
Live as Fully as You Can Every Day!
“‘Last Chance’ prom girl dies at 14 of illness” is the front page headline today. Born with Spinal Muscular Atrophy 2, an incurable and progressive disease that wracked her body, Jerika Bolen lived in constant pain. Of her own volition, and with the support of her loving mother, she chose to die rather than face increasingly intense pain and debilitation. …
You Can Get Over Being Shy
How can you get over being shy and expand your life? I’ll share some tips that have worked for me: Sit in front of the room. I always sat in back, trying to hide, but when called on, everyone turned around to stare at me and I froze. If you’re up front, you don’t see all of those other people …
Being Shy Is Painful
I have some wisdom to share about being shy and how to (mostly) get over it. I was born shy; it had nothing to do with how my parents treated me, as is so often suggested in articles and by well-meaning people. When I was three, for instance, I fell off the front porch into the bushes and quietly whimpered …
Are You a Genuine Person?
Are you a genuine person? How would people describe you? As 1) counterfeit, imitative, deceitful, phony, unreal, insincere, dishonest, or 2) sincere, decent, honest, real, true, trustworthy Bet you chose list two! I know I prefer to be seen as the “real deal.” Being genuine isn’t a given, however. I’ve known many women over the years who tried hard to …
Balance In Life Is Elusive
I was teaching a college class on Marriage and Family years ago. Early in the book was a chapter which addressed parental bonding. After class, I spoke (gently, I thought) to one of the students (who was active duty navy and mother of a newborn as well as a student) about perhaps postponing the classes until she had more hands-on …